Online Games Offer Endless Entertainment
By Cade Wilson
Whether it is online or offline, from simple flash games to modern wonders computer games offer endless entertainment that have attracted an impressive mass of followers that are ready to go through the next achievement thus helping the industries to boom with success.
Online games have become a fertile ground where the gamers from different parts of the world meet and cultivate skills, thoughts of fellowship and useful interactions. This is possible all because of technology otherwise it would have been impossible even to imagine to interact thousands of other people of different places online with the help of online games with tip of your fingertips.
Computer games comes in different categories each with its own distinctive features, although the main aim of maximum computer games is to defeat the evil through several options, in variable environment offered by the game itself. Let us find out the distinctive features of the different types of online computer games that differentiate one game from the others.
1. Real Time Strategy game for example likes Starcraft and the Warcraft series usually requires building a strong empire with enough fighting force to overcome the enemy. This game has 2 faces: one is the battle military face and the other is the economical one from where you need to reap resources in order to support different military units capable of running a war.
2. First Person Shooter for example the Doom and Quake franchises is provided with different weapons to win over the evil. In this game you have a 1st person view that involves watching the game environments as you would if you were actually there.
3. Role Playing Game that initially starts with a weak character that gradually become stronger and stronger by gaining experiences as you progress through the game battling different monsters. The most universally accepted game of this type is World of Warcraft, which has an impressive community worldwide. The main purpose of this type of game is to win over the evil. MMORPG (massive multiplayer online RPG) is the recent development made on RPG in which thousands of people fight online in a usually vast world in which you can do anything you want: fight monsters, complete quests, fight other players, and gain experience as you progress through the game.
There are various other types of games like racing games, sport games, adventure games, action games and many other types of games that has truly placed computer games into the group of top level entertainment.
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Friday, January 25, 2008
Online Games Offer Endless Entertainment
9:27 AM
Need For Speed: Prostreet Game Review
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9:18 AM
Monday, January 14, 2008
What Makes An Online Game Communities Are Social In Nature?
What Makes An Online Game Communities Are Social In Nature?
By Cade Wilson
Playing any game emphasizes several factors that not only provide you with fun and excitement but also it displays your characters. You will not be able to cherish those exciting moments unless you play the game fairly, keeping yourself strongly tied with the rules of the game. Your commitment is best shown in your behavior, performance and your vocabulary.
In true sense “GAME” is such a big and useful dais for exhibiting human performances as well as producing changes in one’s own subjectivity making it a gratifying happening if one is achieved. In this platform, gamers also get the opportunity to explore relationships freely while in character. Multiplayer games can be very social in comparison to singly played game. For instance such social environments can be seen and experience in the shooter genre, where players sometimes band together into \"clans\", groups who fight against other groups which further develops into strong friendship.
Social environments actually evolve from online multiplayer game communities because when a community form, a different world is created where the participants can share knowledge, solve problems, play, build, quarrel, cooperate, plan, work as a team and develop relationships. Communities have become an extension, a new medium of human touch that live in both space and time. Therefore we can say that online game communities are social in nature and for such nature motivation is the most important element that creates it. But where does this motivation come from? It is very simple, motivation germinates from the environments that you are engage in, from the sensory satisfaction while you are playing, from the elements of fun etc. Games are considered as one of the useful tool that motivates ideas. Online games are ideal for such motivating purpose because they are embedded with fabulous concept like life, survival, strategy, role-playing, and building relationships where a player can easily acquire real life experience. Whenever a player plays a game they learn something.
All the major changes that have been made or still on the process in the world of game have only been possible due to Internet and the master brain always engage in making the different. Online games have erased the geographical, cultural, economical, educational and etc boundaries making the world a small place that could be held in a fist. Gamers occupy real assets within the online game because they can meet beyond the game community after they interact with each other when playing.
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4:30 AM
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Online Multiplayer Games - How It All Began
Online Multiplayer Games - How It All Began
By Albert james
Just a few years ago, multiplayer gaming was just a “+1” for each game that supported such a gameplay mode; other than that, almost nobody cared about whether or not the title he wanted to buy supported a multiplayer mode.
Well, a few years have passed since then. As years pass, things tend to change; as things change, trends of the past become, as the word suggests: something that belongs to the past. Nowadays, it’s almost inconceivable that a new title doesn’t support some kind of multiplayer mode. Developers will throw in multiplayer elements in each and every way possible; after all, multiplayer gaming is the hottest gaming trend for the moment, why shouldn’t they? Let’s have a look at how this all began.
Although there where quite a few other multiplayer games available at the time, the real heat began when id software released the blockbuster title DOOM during the third quarter of 1993. Doom was a revolutionary first person shooter that shook the whole gaming world. Never before had the gaming society witnessed such a lifelike gaming environment and such an advanced multiplayer gameplay. DOOM was a real revolution; but this, was just the beginning! In the following years, id software released numerous sequels of the title; needless to say, all sequels had a great success.
As years passed, multiplayer gaming began to gain more and more popularity. In 1996, the same guys that did DOOM released a new smash title, Quake. Just a year after that, Quake II shook the whole gaming world for a second time; the time for hardware accelerated graphics processing had reached and Quake II was the only FPS multiplayer game to take advantage of this technology at the moment. Millions of gamers started to play Quake II online and countless multiplayer MODs (modifications of the original game rules) where released.
Finally, one of the last milestones in online gaming is Valve’s Half-Life. This is probably the most popular and successful game of the last decade; in fact, millions of fans are playing it’s extremely popular MODs (Counter-Strike, Call of Duty etc.) at any given moment, even now!
Following those great games, nowadays there are numerous blockbuster titles that boast an extreme multiplayer experience. New multiplayer titles are released every day but the most dominant ones for the moment are games such as Counter-Strike, Half-Life2, Lineage, Warcraft3, WoW, DOOM3, QuakeIV etc.
Written By: Gabriel Adams
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5:34 AM
Top 21 Travel Games For The Car Part One
Top 21 Travel Games For The Car Part One
By Jenny Brewer
We all have memories of long road trips when we were kids, having to put up with our parents choice of music and staring out the window for hours waiting for the next toilet stop. Thankfully there have been improvements since those days (ie portable DVD players), when all we had was a few sheets of paper, notebooks and the faithful walkman. However, nothing beats old fashioned preparation. With five children, I still don‘t go anywhere without a pencil case, paper, and snacks to overcome back seat mayhem. Keeping the kids (and adults) entertained is still one of the keys to a successful trip. If you have a list of games you can play, especially if you are planning a driving holiday that includes lengthy road trips, you will be a step ahead when the inevitable whining and ‘are we there yet?‘ questions begin. Below is a list of our favourite travel games and activities that are easy to explain, as short or long as you want them to be, and no doubt will become topics of conversation years down the track.
1. I Spy
There is no such thing as a lengthy road trip without a game of I Spy, even if it only lasts a minute (in my car). This game can go on and on until a parent has enough of guessing an abstract object that you passed ten minutes ago. It will keep the kids entertained for a good amount of time if you are clever. For those who were deprived of this great Aussie travel game, just say, ‘I spy with my little eye, something beginning with‘(letter of the alphabet)‘ and your companion will have to look around and guess the object. You can make rules as you go, like only outside the car, or not guessing the same object twice.
2. Who am I?
It‘s simple enough. You think of someone famous and can only answer yes or no to questions that everyone else in the car asks you (one at a time). To vary it a little you can move to only cartoon characters, movie stars or someone who‘s not even famous at all. It just helps if everyone knows who it is. Whoever guesses the correct answer gets the next go. You can also guess animals, or things, and change the question to ‘What am I?‘
3. Scavenger Hunt
Get the kids to prepare these cards before the trip begins. This will add to the fun of playing. Draw or simply write the name items such as a yellow car, a stop sign, a service station etc, then hand out five cards each during the trip. As soon as the item is spotted, you move on to the next one. The first to finish their five cards wins. You can vary this game to just spotting types or colours of cars, or more or less cards per game played.
4. Scramble This is always a fun game to play with paper and pencil the only requirements. Someone calls out a street name (preferably longer than four letters) and everyone has two minutes to write as many words as they can using the letters of that street name. After the time is up, everyone adds up their scores to find the winner. To score, you get two points for every word but only one point if the word was used by someone else. It‘s so much fun you will want to keep playing every time you see a lengthy street name.
5. Alphabet game
This is a lot of fun especially if you are passing through a number of towns and activity, not for the long, lonely stretches. Everyone has to find words beginning with letters of the alphabet, beginning at A and ending at Z. The words can be on street or shop signs, and whoever spots it first must claim it so the others know it‘s been taken. First to get to Z wins.
6. Bingo
This game that needs to be prepared before you leave, but is very easy to play. Just draw up grids for each person (apart from the driver) with objects on the squares that you would normally see on a long trip, ie truck, cow, stop sign etc. Use stickers to cover the square when the object has been spotted. It won‘t be long before someone will be able to shout BINGO.
7. Animalia
We played this game on nearly every family holiday. A designated person would start by saying an animal of their choice, ie DOG. Then the next would have to say an animal starting with the last letter of that animal, ie GOAT. The next would have to start with the letter T. It goes on until someone can‘t think of an animal and they are out. There are a number of variations of this game. You can start the same way, but you have to repeat the animals that have already been called out, ie DOG, GOAT, TIGER etc. Whoever forgets an animal is out of the game.
8. Game Bags
Every child loves to have a special bag with surprises in it. This is a great idea if you have the time before the trip begins. Just fill it up with a new pack of pencils, small colouring in book, chocolate bar or lollipop, small games, torch, wad of paper,just use your imagination and choose your time carefully when you hand it out as it will be received well especially if they are bored and starting to fight.
9. Licence Plates
This is lots of fun for the imaginative. Every licence plate that you are driving behind has three letters. Every passenger has to think up a different meaning of the three letters. There are so many combinations that you could keep going for a while, until someone gets really tired of thinking. This is one of those travel games that start and stop when you least expect it. It‘s fun trying to beat each other to think up the meanings, as some of them can be tricky, especially the V‘s and Q‘s.
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5:18 AM
The Ffxi Account. How To Join The Endgame Linkshell
The Ffxi Account. How To Join The Endgame Linkshell
By anne Tide
One of the most challenging and enjoyable features that come along with Final Fantasy is the constant striving in order for the player to make the necessary amount of gil; gil is the currency that is being used during the game in order for the player to be able to buy the necessary equipment and items. The ffxi accounts may allow the user to search for the proper way in order to get the desired gil. Gil is needed in order to succeed in this virtual game; the player cannot survive without it. Therefore, the player may consider joining to an endgame linkshell.
This endgame link can be the source of gil and fun when it comes to every player who is interested in gaining more gil. But the player has to have a job that reaches a certain level in order to be able to join this link. Therefore, this method is not to be considered when it comes to total beginners in this game. Many link shells are likely to be closed to every new applicant who will have to find another way in order to take advantage of all the benefits that are provided by such links.
The relatively new player may choose to start and even end the game in the so-called sky shell. But if you choose to join such endgame shells, you will have to watch for some things in order not to lose precious gil. If the chosen shell does not share the existent gil with other members, you have to reconsider you choice because that shell can actually be the wrong one for you. The chosen shell should fit all your needs; the right one is to be chosen because you have to keep in mind that you are playing with skillful players who are not likely to help you in order to gain extra gil. On the contrary, there are players who may wish to take advantage of you, every ffxi account that you open is likely to provide you with extra game partners who are willing to use you and your items in order to gain gil for themselves. This situation is to be avoided; therefore, the shell should be carefully chosen in order to protect you from the possible enemies who have their own ffxi accounts.
Anther way to protect you when you decide to purchase an ffxi account is to save time when it comes to asking around for the necessary information; most of these endgame shells are considered as having a strong reputation and they can provide the entire server with the necessary information about each level of the game. But if a particular shell is a new one, this shell will not enjoy the same reputation. Therefore, you must choose the older shells that should have a good reputation. If the player is not able to find the necessary information about a particular shell or this shell has a bad reputation, he has to be aware of the fact that this shell is not the right one for him. The bad signs are to be taken into account in order to prevent the player’s condition to get worse. The ffxi account must be protected too and gil and time are to be saved in order to secure the already gained items.
There are many methods when it comes to providing the player with the necessary gil; but the player should choose the method that suits him best. He has to be very careful in order not to loose his items. If you are a total beginner, you may also consider other activities in order to gain extra gil. For instance, you may focus on fishing and farming because these activities are highly profitable in this game. These activities may provide the player with consistent forms of gil; income will be provided in a manner that can be considered as being very boring by some of the players. Even so, farming and fishing are the most honest ways when it comes to start the game and stay ahead on its levels. The player should also be fully aware that he should avoid the gill sellers; this method can be very tricky and the player must have enough experience in order to know how to deal with these situations in the proper manner without using his gil.
The player should consider the most reliable methods in order to secure his income; crafting and fights can be profitable enough but the player has to think about the game fights as being a sort of lotteries. He will have the chance to gain some extra gil but he can also loose all his income in a particular fight. Therefore, the player who has his own ffxi accounts has to choose the most stable methods in order to secure his income. He might not get luck every time it comes to a game fight and he has to avoid the possibility of loosing all his gil. Every game level will provide the player with various opportunities to be seized and these opportunities are not mainly based on luck. The player can go for stable occupations that may provide him with a regular income even if this method is usually regarded as a very boring one that has no challenges in its structure.
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5:12 AM
Thursday, January 3, 2008
The Potential Problems Of Playing Gamecube Games On The Wii
The Potential Problems Of Playing Gamecube Games On The Wii
By Cade Wilson
The Nintendo GameCube is the successor to the Nintendo 64 and the predecessor of the Wii with compact system and is least expensive. Shaped roughly like a cube, the console is available in a variety of colors, such as indigo, platinum, and black.
With the introduction of the Nintendo Wii many gamers were enjoying themselves t the thought of playing Nintendo GameCube games too but unfortunately there were some potential playing Nintendo GameCube on the Nintendo Wii. The Nintendo GameCube does not have DVD or audio CD support and the reason cited is to reduce copyright infringement, provide faster loading times due to a smaller disc size, make the system cheaper by avoiding DVD-licensing fees, and a more compact console. This is one of the great disadvantage due to which many turned to the PlayStation 2 and Xbox due to their built-in DVD support.
One of the main disadvantages that come with playing GameCube games on the Wii is that you cannot always save your game, which is a big problem with adventure style games, which take quite a long time to complete. In order to save the game the player needs to purchase a Nintendo GameCube memory card that will enable the player to save any GameCube game on Wii. In order to play GameCube games on your Nintendo Wii then the player needs to purchase a GameCube controller if you do not have one. Since
the controllers for the two consoles are completely different therefore the problem still remains unsolved because if you attempted to play a GameCube game with a Nintendo Wii controller, it simply would not work. Therefore it is wise for any GameCube game players to ensure they have some of the GameCube accessories before they use the games on their Wii console.
Though there is an advantage to get connected Game Boy Advance as well as an e-Reader from the Nintendo Wii having GameCube ports but still you will need accessories to be able to use this and for the Game Boy Advance you will need a Game Boy Advance Cable. Besides there are other problems for the incompatibility of the console with the GameCube Action Replay feature and that is because the firmware has been updated to 3.0. Wii is also incompatible with GameCube composite video, component video cables and S-Video due to it using a proprietary port. It is definitely an advantage to play GameCube games on the console for those who have previously bought a GameCube before the Wii and it is an added benefit to an already excellent gaming system.
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3:48 AM